Znanstveno-stručni časopis
Hrvatskog društva za geometriju i grafiku

Scientific and Professional Journal
of the Croatian Society for Geometry and Graphics


Original Scientific Papers
N. Le, N. J. WildBerger: Incenter Circles, Chromogeometry, and the Omega Triangle 5
H. Okumura: The Arbelos with Overhang 19
B. Odehnal: Distances and Central Projections 28
G. Weiss, S. Mick:Non-standard Visualizations of Fibonacci Numbers and the Golden Mean 36

Professional Papers
A. Novak, A. Štajduhar: Application of Linear and Nonlinear Heat Equation in Digital Image Processing 45
A. K. Myers-Beaghton, A. L. Myers: The Moon Tilt Illusion 53