Vilko Niče (1902 – 1987)

[1] Niče, V., Konstrukcija pravilnog peterokuta i deseterokuta, ako im je zadana stranica, [Construction of a regular pentagon and decagon with a given side], Nastavni vjesnik 36(1928), 48-51.

[2] Niče, V., Neki izvodi za konoide trećeg i četvrtog reda, [Some deductions of the 3rd and 4th order conoids ], Nastavni vjesnik 37(1929), 1-23.

[3] Niče, V., Harmonijski dvoomjer na krivuljama 3. reda roda nultog te njegova primjena na neke pravčaste površine 4, reda, [Harmonical double ratio on the 3rd order curves with zero gender and its application to some 4th order ruled surfaces ], Sveučilišni godišnjak 1929/30-1932/33, 3-10.

[4] Niče, V., Prilog zakrivljenosti prostorne krivulje, [Contribution to the curvature of a space curve], Nastavni vjesnik 49(1940), 30-33.

[5] Niče, V., O polarnim trokutima kružnice i polarnim tetraedrima kugle, [On a polar triangles of a circle and a polar tetrahedra of a sphere], Nastavni vjesnik 49(1941), 346-351.

[6] Niče, V., Geometrijsko mjesto dirališta pramena ravnina s pramenom površina drugog reda, [Locus of the points of contact of pencils of planes with the 2nd order surfaces], Rad JAZU 271(84),(1941), 65-68.

[7] Niče, V., Površine 4. reda kao geometrijsko mjesto dirališta pramena ravnina i svežnja površina 2. reda, [The 4th order surfaces as a locus of the points of contact of pencil of planes and a boundle of the 2nd order surfaces], Rad JAZU 271(84), (1941), 69-76.

[8] Niče, V., O čunjosječnicama na pravčastim plohama 3. i 4. reda, [On the conics of the 3rd and 4th order ruled surfaces], Izvadak iz disertacije, 1941.

[9] Niče, V., Vanjska oznaka unikurzalne cirkularne krivulje 3. reda, [An exterior mark of an the unicursal circular 3rd order curve], Nastavni vjesnik 50(1942), 360-362.

[10] Niče, V., O svežnju ploha drugog reda, [On a boundle of the 2nd order surfaces], Rad HAZU 274(85), (1942), 163-169.

[11] Niče, V., Prilog konstruktivnoj obradi pravčastih ploha 3. reda, [Contribution to the constructions of the 3rd order ruled surfaces], Rad HAZU 274(85), (1942), 286-298.

[12] Niče, V., Konstrukcija četverostrukog fokusa cirkularnih krivulja 3. i nekih 4. reda roda nultoga, [Construction of fourfold foci of the circular 3rd and some 4th order curves with zero gender], Nastavni vjesnik 51(1943), 271-280.

[13] Niče, V., Doprinos zajedničkim svojstvima ravninskih krivulja 3. i 4. reda roda nultoga, [Contribution to the common properties of the 3rd and 4th order plane curves with zero gender], Rad HAZU 278(86),(1945), 55-61.

[14] Niče, V., Krivulje i plohe 3. i 4. reda nastale pomoću kvadratne inverzije, [The 3rd and 4th order curves and surfaces emerged by a quadratic inversion], Rad HAZU 278(86), (1945), 153-194.

[15] Niče, V., O imaginarnim elementima u geometriji, [On the imaginary elements in geometry], Glasnik mat. fiz. i astr. 1(1946), 193-208.

[16] Niče, V., Četverostruki fokus unikurzalnih cirkularnih krivulja 3. reda i neki osobiti pramenovi tih krivulja, [The fourfold focus of the unicursal circular 3rd order curves and some special pencils of these curves], Rad JAZU 271(1947), 3-12.

[17] Niče, V., O cirkularnim krivuljama 4. reda roda nultog s neizmjerno dalekom dvostrukom točkom, [On a circular 4th order curves with zero gender with a double point at infinity], Rad JAZU 271(1947), 23-31.

[18] Niče, V., O hiperoskulacionim kružnim valjcima jedne kružnice, [On hyperosculating circular cylinders of a circle], Glasnik mat. fiz. i astr. 4(1949), 1-10.

[19] Niče, V., O Plückerovu i nekim drugim konoidima 3. i 4. reda,[On Plücker's and some other 3rd and 4th order conoids], Rad JAZU 276(1949), 3-12.

[20] Niče, V., O strofoidali i prostornoj krivulji 4. reda na kugli, [On the strophoidal and the space 4th order curve on a sphere], Rad JAZU 276(1949), 27-36.

[21] Niče, V., Jedan dokaz i nadopuna P. Appelova stavka o Plückerovu konoidu, [A proof and an addition of P. Appel's theorem on Plücker's conoid], Glasnik mat. fiz. i astr. 4(1949), 173-175.

[22] Niče, V., Konstrukcija kubne čunjosječnice iz konjugirano imaginarnih točaka, [Construction of the cubic conic from the imaginary points], Vesnik mat. fiz. NRS 4(1950), 3-11.

[23] Niče, V., O nožišnim plohama rotacionog paraboloida, [On the pedal surfaces of a paraboloid of revolution], Glasnik mat. fiz. i astr. 5(1950), 3-11.

[24] Niče, V., Plohe izotropnih izvodnica u kongruencijama 3.,2. i 1. razreda, [Surfaces of the isotropic generating lines in the 3rd, 2nd and 1st. class congruences], Glasnik mat. fiz. i astr. 6(1950), 97-105.

[25] Niče, V., Strofoidalne plohe 3. reda, [Strophoidal 3rd order surfaces], Zbornik mat. instituta SAN, Beograd 2(1952), 113-120.

[26] Niče, V., Prilog geometriji tetraedra, [Contribution to the geometry of the tetrahedron], Glasnik mat. fiz. i astr. 7(1952), 228-243.

[27] Niče, V., Über die isotropen Strahlenpaare 2. Art der Strahlenkongruenzen 1. Ordnung 3.,2. und 1. Klasse, [On the isotrop pair of rays of the 2nd. type of 3rd, 2nd and 1st. class ray congruences], Glasnik mat. fiz. i astr. 7(1952), 293-296.

[28] Niče, V., O geometrijskom mjestu četverostrukih fokusa jednog snopa ravninskih cirkularnih presjeka nekih ploha 3. i 4. reda, [On a locus of fourfold foci of a bundle of a circular plane sections of some 3rd and 4th order surfaces], Rad JAZU 292(1953), 56-66.

[29] Niče, V., Prilog načinima izvoĎenja ploha 3. reda, [Contribution to the mode of derivation of the 3rd order surfaces], Rad JAZU 292(1953), 170-191.

[30] Niče, V., Izolirane kružne točke na pravčastim plohama 3. i 4. reda, [Isolated circular points of the 3rd and 4th order ruled surfaces], Rad JAZU 292(1953), 193-222.

[31] Niče, V., O fokalnim osobinama bicirkularnih krivulja i nekih ciklida 4. reda, [On focal properties of bicircular curves and some 4th order cyclides], Rad JAZU 296(1953), 184-197.

[32] Niče, V., O pregršti ploha 2. reda odreĎenoj sa šest točaka u prostoru, [On many 2nd order surfaces determined by six points in the space], Rad JAZU 302(1955), 4-13.

[33] Niče, V., Cisoidalne plohe ravnine i kugle, njihove pratilice i neke njihove generalizacije, [Cissoidal surfaces of a plane and a sphere, their chaperons and some their generalizations], Rad JAZU 302(1955), 26-46.

[34] Niče, V., Die Brennpunktsfläche der Kegelschnitte des Plückerschen Konoids, [Pedal surfaces of conics of Plücker's conoid], Glasnik mat. fiz. i astr. 9(1954), 251-257.

[35] Niče, V., Kompleks osi oskulacionih kružnih valjaka jedne kružnice i neke njegove plohe i kongruencije, [Complex of axis of osculated circular cylinders of a circle and some its surfaces and congruences], Rad JAZU 314(1957), 92-109.

[36] Niče, V., Die Brennachsenkongruenz der Zylinder eines Kreises, [Pedal axes congruences of cylinder of a circle], Glasnik mat. fiz. i astr. 11(1956), 37-44.

[37] Niče, V., Parametrische Sextupel Reyerscher tetraedraler Strahenlkomplexe einer und zweiter Haupttetraeder, [Parametric sextical Reye tetrahedral complexes of rays of one and two main tetrahedra], Glasnik mat. fiz. i astr. 13(1958), 107-120.

[38] Niče, V., Reyeovi tetraedralni kompleksi jednog, dvaju, triju i četiriju glavnih tetraedara, [Tetrahedral complexes of Reye of 1.,2., 3 and 4 main tetrahedra], Rad JAZU 314(1959), 228-262.

[39] Niče, V., Modell der 27 Geraden einer Fläche 3. Ordnung, [A model of 27 straight lines of a the 3rd order surface], Glasnik mat. fiz. i astr. 15(1960), 107-111.

[40] Niče, V., Ein Beitrag zum F2- Bündel mit Polartetraeder, [Contribution to the F2-bundle with polar tetrahedron],Glasnik mat. fiz. i astr. 15(1960), 179-188.

[41] Niče, V., Beiträge zum Büschel der Reyeschen tetraedralen Strahlenkomplexe, [Contribution to the pencil of Reye tetrahedral complexes of rays ], Rad JAZU 325(1961), 27-48.

[42] Niče, V., Ergänzende Beiträge zum Majcenschen kubischen Strahlenkomplex, [Additional contributions to the Majcen's cubic complex of rays ], Rad JAZU 325(1962), 106-125.

[43] Niče, V., Kompleks osi valjaka zraka tetraedarnih kompleksa u jednom pramenu takvih kompleksa, [Complex of cylinders axis of rays of tetrahedral complexes in a pencil of such complexes], Bulletin mat. phys. SRS 14(1962), 123-124.

[44] Niče, V., Novi prilozi Reyovim tetraedarnim kompleksima, [New contributions to the Reye's tetrahedral complexes], Bulletin mat. phys. SRS 14(1962), 125-130.

[45] Niče, V., Über neue Eigenschaften der Büschel und der Bündel polarer Räume, [On the new properties of a pencil and a boundle of polar spaces], Glasnik mat. fiz. i astr. 17(1962), 189-204.

[46] Niče, V., Normalenkomplex der Flächen eines Flächenbüschels 2. grades, [Complex of normals of surfaces in a pencil of the 2nd order surfaces], Glasnik mat. fiz. i astr. 18(1963), 255-268.

[47] Niče, V., Über die Fusspunkte der Strahlen des Achsenkomplexes eines Polarraumes, [On the pedal points of rays of complex of axis in the polar space], Glasnik mat. fiz. i astr. 18(1963), 269-278.

[48] Niče, V., Die Achsenkomplexe der in einem Büschel sich befindeten Polarräume, [Complex of axis in a pencil of polar spaces], Glasnik mat. fiz. i astr. 19(1964), 243-255.

[49] Niče, V., Über die kürzesten Tangentialwege zwischen den Flächen eines Flächenbüschels 2. Grades, [On the shortest tangential ways among surfaces in the 2nd order pencil of surfaces], Rad JAZU 331(1965), 144-172.

[50] Niče, V., Homothetische polare Räume, [Homothetic polar spaces], Rad JAZU 343(1966), 80-118.

[51] Niče, V., Die Achsenregelfläche eines Flächenbüschels 2. Grades, [The axis ruled surface in a pencil of the 2nd order surfaces], Glasnik mat. fiz. i astr. 21(1966), 215-221.

[52] Niče, V., Koaxiale polare Räume, [Coaxial polar spaces], Glasnik mat. fiz. i astr. 21(1966), 223-243.

[53] Niče, V., Konzentrische polare Räume, [Concentric polar spaces], Glasnik mat. fiz. i astr. 2(22)(1967), 99-117.

[54] Niče, V., Die gemeinsamen Kongruenzen der vier Strahlkomplexe eines Polarraumbüschels, [Common congruences of four complexes of rays of a pencil of polar spaces], Rad JAZU 347(1968), 193-220.

[55] Niče, V., Eine neue Eigenschaft des Flächenbüschels 2. Grades, [The new property of the 2nd order pencil of surfaces], Glasnik mat. fiz. i astr. 3(23)(1968), 261-263.

[56] Niče, V., Das koaxiale Nullraumbüschel, [Coaxial zero pencil of spaces], Rad JAZU 349(1969), 13-31.

[57] Niče, V., Neue Beiträge zu den Eigenschaften eines Polarraumbündels, [New contributions to the properties of bundle of polar spaces], Glasnik mat. fiz. i astr. 2(24)(1969), 259-274.

[58] Niče, V., Ein Beitrag zu den Sätzen von C. G. Jacobi, W. Fenchel und V. Avakumović, [Contribution to the Theorems of C. G. Jacobi, W. Fenchel und V. Avakumović], Glasnik mat. fiz. i astr. 2(24)(1969), 291-297.

[59] Niče, V., Zusätzliche Betrachtungen mit ergänzenden Sätzen über den Tangentialkurzwegkomplex eines Flächenbüschels 2. Grades, [Additional considerations of complementary theorems on the shortest tangential ways among surfaces in the 2nd order pencil of surfaces], Rad JAZU 349(1970), 93-107.

[60] Niče, V., Noch einige Eigenschaften des Plückerschen Konoids, [Some more properties of Plücker's conoid], Glasnik mat. fiz. i astr. 5(25)(1970), 309-318.

[61] Niče, V., Die Direktrixkongruenz der Kegelschnitte des Plückerschen Konoids, [Congruence of direktrix of conics of Plücker's conoids], Glasnik mat. fiz. i astr. 7(27)(1972), 269-276.

[62] Niče, V., Über eine Quasi-nullraumabbildung, [On a Quasi-zero space transformation], Rad JAZU 367(1974), 37-55.

[63] Niče, V., Über die konstruktive Behandlung einer Art Kugelflächen 3. Ordnung, [On the constructive method of a type of the 3rd order sphere], Glasnik mat. fiz. i astr. 9(27)(1974), 303-315.

[64] Niče, V., Der Achsenkomplex eines kubischen Nullraumes, [Complex of axis of a cubic zero-space], Rad JAZU 370(1975), 39-46.

[65] Niče, V., Der kubische Nullraum zweier linearen Kongruenzen, [Cubic zero-space of two linear congruences], Rad JAZU 374(1977), 5-31.

[66] Niče, V., Über die mittels der Polarfelder bestimmten Nullräume, [On zero-spaces defined by polar fields], Rad JAZU 396(1982), 29-44.



