Znanstveno-stručni časopis
Hrvatskog druątva za geometriju i grafiku

Scientific and Professional Journal
of the Croatian Society for Geometry and Graphics


Otto Röschel, Sybille Mick: Frameworks Generated by the Octahedral Group3

Original Scientific Papers
Daniela Velichová: Two-Axial Surfaces of Revolution11
László Vörös: Reguläre Körper und mehrdimensionale Würfel21
Márta Szilvási-Nagy, Ildikó Szabó: C1-Continuous Coons-type Blending of Triangular Patches29

Professional Papers
Ana Sliepčević, Jasna Kos-Modor: Some Planimetric Constructions in the H-plane35
Ivanka Babić: Some collineations of H-plane39
Milena Stavrić, Albert Wiltsche, Heimo Schimek: New Dimension in Geometrical Education45
Nikoleta Sudeta, Marija ©imić: Reflections in Perspective55
Predrag Lončar: About the Invariants of the 4th Degree Polynomial61
Aleksandar Čučaković: Constructive Procedure for Transformation of Collinear Spaces71