Znanstveno-stručni časopis
Hrvatskog društva za geometriju i grafiku

Scientific and Professional Journal
of the Croatian Society for Geometry and Graphics


Original Scientific Papers
M. Szilvási-Nagy, S. Béla: Stitching B-spline Curves Symbolically 3
H. Okumura: Lamoenian Circles of the Collinear Arbelos 9
N. J. Wildberger, A. Alkhaldi: The Parabola in Universal Hyperbolic Geometry I 14
B. Odehnal: Conchoids on the Sphere 43
G. Csima, J. Szirmai: On the Isoptic Hypersurfaces in the n-Dimensional Euclidean Spacee 53
A. Sliepčević, I. Božić, H. Halas: Introduction to the Planimetry of the Quasi-Hyperbolic Plane 58

Professional Papers
M. Čuljak: Isometries in Escher's Work 65