Analysis of Headway Characteristics in Dissipating Queues

András Szele, Árpád Barsi, Lajos Kisgyörgy

Last modified: 2017-02-28


Congestion related traffic flow management requires the thorough analysis of dynamics of queues to develop effective control strategies. Traffic operation of signalized intersections is often hindered by congestions. Queues cause an additional delay decreasing the capacity of the intersection, because in dissipating queues the headways are longer than in saturated flows. Thorough analysis of dynamics of queue development and dissipation is important, because precise estimation of start-up lost times of dissipating queues can help to minimize this capacity decrease due to the presence of queues. This paper analyzes the dynamics of queue dissipation and its major influencing factors. Queue dynamics data were collected in several locations in Budapest, Hungary using action cameras. We used exploratory data analysis to determine the principal components behind headway increments in dissipating queues and their importance. We identified those components which correlates to the traffic flow characteristics and can be influenced by traffic management tools.


headway; queue dissipation; queue discharge; image analysis; congestion management

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