Brigitte Klug, Florian Gasser, Paul Steckler, Werner Wehr

Last modified: 2017-02-28


In view of the construction of new tram lines in Vienna and due to unsatisfactory experiences with existing green track sections, Wiener Linien launched a project, funded by the Austrian Research Promotion Agency (FFG ), to develop a new Viennese green track design. During conception particular attention has been paid to the ecological aspects of tram tracks in general and green tracks in particular. Therefore an environmental performance evaluation for different tram track concepts has been performed.
The special features of the new green track are slow growth, self-sufficiency and adapted turf. Draught and salt resistant flowering plants of local origin are added to commercial mixtures for dry meadows. Three different seed mixtures have been selected and are currently tested on a small section of existing green track. The development of the plants is observed for about a year before the seed mixtures are deployed on the green track sections of the new tram lines. Favouring grasses and forbs that are indigenous in Austria is one key-aspect to meet the expectations of developing an eco-friendly new green track with low maintenance demands and economic life cycle costs.


tram, green track, environmental benefits, adapted local seeds, environmental performance

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