SDSG 2023
14. rujna 2023

Article / članak 06

An investigation of the influence of rigid underground building parts on the behavior of the structure during earthquakes

Istraživanje utjecaja krutih podzemnih dijelova građevine na ponašanje konstrukcije tijekom potresa

authors / autori
Thomas Holger Taetzsch, Josip Atalić

University of Zagreb, Faculty of Civil Engineering,
University of Zagreb, Faculty of Civil Engineering,


keywords / ključne riječi
underground buildings, behavior of structure, basement constructions, traditional masonry, wooden beams
podzemne građevine, ponašanje konstrukcije, podrumske konstrukcije, tradicionalno zidanje, drvene grede

page range in publication / raspon stanica
61 → 70

publish date / datum publikacije

abstract / sažetak
Experiences from the 2020 earthquakes in Croatia point out the problem of different stiffness of the underground building parts and supporting systems. This relates to the effect of a rigid basement construction compared to a traditional masonry construction with wooden beams. In addition, the influence of neighboring underground buildings and the influence of interaction with the ground it will be analyzed. The topic has the specifics of building stock in Croatia and is hardly dealt with in existing research.
Iskustva potresa u Hrvatskoj u 2020. godini ukazuju problem različitih krutosti u nosivoj konstrukciji unutar iste zgrade. To se posebno odnosi na učinak krute podrumske konstrukcije u odnosu na tradicionalnu zidanu konstrukciju s drvenim gredama. Osim toga, analizirati će se utjecaj susjednih građevina i njihovih elemenata ispod zemlje te utjecaj interakcije s tlom. Navedena tema gotovo da nije obrađena u postojećim istraživanjima, odnosno nije poznata.