SDSG 2022
5. - 6. rujna 2022

Article / članak 18

The influence of particle packing density optimization on the reduction of the amount of Portland cement in concrete

Utjecaj optimizacije gustoće pakiranja čestica na smanjenje količine portlandcementa u betonu

authors / autori
Olivera Bukvić, Asst. Prof. Marijana Serdar

University of Zagreb Faculty of Civil Engineering,
University of Zagreb Faculty of Civil Engineering,


keywords / ključne riječi
CO2, packing density, particle packing, portland cement, filler
CO2, gustoća pakiranja čestica, portland cement, punilo

page range in publication / raspon stanica
225 → 234

publish date / datum publikacije

abstract / sažetak
In order to reduce the emission of CO2 and the harmful impact on the environment during the production of concrete, it is important to think about the design of concrete mixes. In practice, the amount of cement is reduced by using cement with mineral additives (fillers) or, more rarely, by replacing part of the cement with mineral additives during the preparation of concrete. This does not go into the detailed characterization of the additives, nor the analysis of possible physical and chemical interactions between the particles, which is why the real potential of replacing part of the cement is often not realized. A fundamental approach to the mentioned problem can be realized through the theory of particle packing. In this paper, the existing methods of optimizing particle packing are presented, an insight is given into the most important parameters that define particle packing, and finally, a review of the literature shows how the amount of Portland cement in concrete mixes is reduced in recent times by optimizing the density of particle packing.
Kako bi se smanjila emisija CO2 i štetan utjecaj na okoliš prilikom proizvodnje betona, važno je promišljati projektiranje betonskih mješavina. U praksi se smanjenje količine cementa ostvaruje primjenom cemenata s mineralnim dodacima (punilima) ili rjeđe zamjenom dijela cementa mineralnim dodacima prilikom priprave betona. Pri tome se ne ulazi u detaljnu karakterizaciju dodataka, kao ni analizu mogućih fizikalnih i kemijskih interakcija između čestica, zbog čega se često ne uspijeva realizirati stvarni potencijal zamjene dijela cementa. Fundamentalni pristup navedenom problemu moguće je ostvariti kroz teoriju pakiranja čestica. U ovom radu prikazane su postojeće metode optimizacije pakiranja čestica, dan je uvid u najvažnije parametre koji definiraju pakiranje čestica, te je naposlijetku pregledom literature prikazano na koji se način u novije doba smanjuje količina portlandcementa u betonskim mješavinama pomoću optimizacije gustoće pakiranja čestica.