Karel Zahradnik (1848 - 1916)

[1] Zahradnik, K., O krivuljah u ravnini, [On curves in the plane], Rad JAZU 6(1885), 79-114.

[2] Zahradnik, K., O skladu kriterija konvergentnosti i divergentnosti bezkonačnih redova, [On accordance of criteria of convergence and divergence of infinite series], Rad JAZU 40(1877), 147-158.

[3] Zahradnik, K., O suvislosti Neperovih logarithama s naravskimi, [On coherence of Neper's logarithms with natural ones], Rad JAZU 40(1877), 159-165.

[4] Zahradnik, K., O nekih krivuljah izvedenih iz sjeka čunja, [On some curves derived by intersections of a cone], Rad JAZU 40(1877), 166-171.

[5] Zahradnik, K., Neke vlastitosti trojina točaka oskulacije kod lemniskate, [Some selfhood of triple points of osculation of lemniscate], Rad JAZU 53(1880), 208-213.

[6] Zahradnik, K., Vlastitosti trojina oskulacije kod strophoide, [Selfhood of triple points of osculation of strophoid], Rad JAZU 53(1880), 214-225.

[7] Zahradnik, K., O krivuljah u ravnini, [On curves in the plane], Rad JAZU 2(1882), 1-65.

[8] Zahradnik, K., Vlastitosti nekih trojina točaka na cisoidi, [Selfhood of some triple points of cissoid], Rad JAZU 1(1882), 69-102.

[9] Zahradnik, K., Teorija parabole na temelju racionalnoga parametra, [Theory of parabola based on the rational parameter], Rad JAZU 2(1882), 105-152.

[10] Zahradnik, K., Teorija parabole na temelju racionalnoga parametra, [Theory of parabola based on the rational parameter], Rad JAZU 5(1885), 145-154.

[11] Zahradnik, K., O krivuljah u ravnini, [On curves in the plane], Rad JAZU 6(1885), 115-180

[12] Zahradnik, K., Geometrijske opazke, [Geometrical remarks], Rad JAZU 6(1885), 211-220.

[13] Zahradnik, K., Prilog za riešitbu kvadratičkih jednačaba pomoću Gauss-ievih logaritama, [Contribution to solving of quadratic equations by Gaussian logarithms], Rad JAZU 8(1887), 153-161.

[14] Zahradnik, K., Prilog k teoriji kubične involucije na čunjosjeku, [Contribution to the theory of cubic involution on the 2nd order curves ], Rad JAZU 9(1888), 73-101.

[15] Zahradnik, K., Prilog k teoriji kubične involucije na čunjosjeku, [Contribution to the theory of cubic involution on 2nd order curves ], Rad JAZU 10(1889), 1-23.

[16] Zahradnik, K., Vlastitost skupina sticišta na Descartesovu listu, [Selfhood of groups of intersection points on folium of Descartes], Rad JAZU 11(1891), 115-119.

[17] Zahradnik, K., Prilog k teoriji strophoide, [Contribution to the theory of strophoid], Rad JAZU 11(1891), 120-142.

[18] Zahradnik, K., Prilog k teoriji cisoide, [Contribution to the theory of cissoid], Rad JAZU 12(1891), 130-132.

[19] Zahradnik, K., Dalnji prilog teoriji cisoide, [Further contribution to the theory of cissoid], Rad J AZU 19(1895), 95-124.

[20] Zahradnik, K., Prilog k teoriji krivulja trećega reda i trećega razreda, [Contribution to the theory of the 3th order and the 3th class curves], Rad JAZU 20(1895), 1-16.

[21] Zahradnik, K., Nov prilog teoriji Descartesova lista, [Contribution to the theory of folium of Descartes], Rad JAZU 23(1897), 41-62.

[22] Zahradnik, K., Prilog teoriji čunjosječnica, [Contribution to the theory of conics], Rad JAZU 23(1897), 63-71.



