Juraj Majcen (1875 1924)

[1] Majcen, J., O normalama istostrane hyperbole, [On normals of equilateral hyperbola], Rad JAZU 28(1899), 43-49.

[2] Majcen, J., Prilog konstruktivnoj teoriji hyperbole, [Contribution to the construction of hyperbola], Rad JAZU 27(1899), 40-43.

[3] Majcen, J., O posrednim proizvodima perspektivnih nizova tačaka, [On indirect products of perspective ranges of points], Rad JAZU 29(1900), 54-61.

[4] Majcen, J., O snošajima osobite ravnocrtne plohe trećega reda prema ništičnom sustavu, [On relationships of the special 3rd order surface to the zero system], Rad JAZU 30(1901), 105-125.

[5] Majcen, J., Dva osobita pravca u geometriji trokuta, [Two special straight lines in geometry of triangle], Rad JAZU 32(1902), 69-81.

[6] Majcen, J., O novoj vrsti kvadratskih transformacija, [On a new type of quadratic transformations], Rad JAZU 32(1902), 1-17.

[7] Majcen, J., O njekojim vlastitostima Duporcq-ove sjekotine stošca, [On some selfhood of Duporcq's intersection of cone], Rad JAZU 31(1902), 70-88.

[8] Majcen, J., O jednoj posebnoj vrsti kubičnoga kompleksa, [On a special type of cubic complex], Rad JAZU 34(1903), 159-172.

[9] Majcen, J., O jednoj cirkularnoj kubičnoj elipsi i njezinoj projekciji, [On a circular cubic ellipse and its projection], Rad JAZU 35(1904), 69-91.

[10] Majcen, J., O jednoj grupi plohâ lihoga reda, napose o plohi petoga reda, [On a group of odd order surfaces, specially on the 5th order surface], Rad JAZU 36(1904), 67-84.

[11] Majcen, J., Način za preslikavanje općene plohe 3. reda na plohu 2. reda, [A mode for transformation of the general 3rd order surface on the 2nd order surface], Rad JAZU 37(1905), 62-88.

[12] Majcen, J., O kubičnoj hiperboli, [On a cubic hyperbola], Rad JAZU 39(1906), 211-235.

[13] Majcen, J., Prilog centralnoj projekciji prostora sa četri dimenzije, [Contribution to the central projection of the four dimensional space], Rad JAZU 39(1906), 81-93.

[14] Majcen, J., Sintetična istraživanja prostorne krivulje 5. reda druge vrste, [Synthetic researches of the 5th order space curve of the 2nd type], Rad JAZU 42(1907), 1-42.

[15] Majcen, J., Prostorne krivulje na općenoj plohi 3. reda, [Space curves on the general 3rd order surface], Rad JAZU 44(1908), 87-139.

[16] Majcen, J., Prilog centralnoj projekciji elipsoida, [Contribution to the central projection of ellipsoid], Rad JAZU 45(1909), 155-170.

[17] Majcen, J., Krivulja 4. reda u ravnini sa šiljkom 2. vrste i s defektom 1., [The 4th order plane curve with the cusp of the 2nd type and its defect 1.,], Rad JAZU 49(1911), 1-46.

[18] Majcen, J., Prostorne krivulje 3. i 4. reda u svezi s općenom površinom trećega reda, [The 3rd order and 4th order space curves in connection with the general 3rd order surface], Rad JAZU 50(1911), 55-73.

[19] Majcen, J., Über eine Methode zur Behandlung gewisser ebener metrischer Probleme / G. Majcen. [On a method to proceed metric plane problems], [Wien]; [Leipzig], 1911, 195-205.

[20] Majcen, J., O strikcionoj liniji općenih vitoperih površina, [On striction line of general scroll surfaces], Rad JAZU 51(1912), 44-53.

[21] Majcen, J., Jedno projektivno izvođenje općene površine 4. reda, [A projective derivation of the general 4th order surface], Rad JAZU 53(1913), 180-193.

[22] Majcen, J., Nekoliko invarijantnih relacija za prostorne krivulje 4. reda 1. vrste sa šiljkom, [Some invariant relations for the 4th order space curves of the 1st type with the cusp], Rad JAZU 56(1914), 96-123.

[23] Majcen, J., O prostornoj krivulji 4. reda 1. vrste s dvostrukom točkom, [On the 4th order space curve of 1st type with a double point], Rad JAZU 57(1914), 82-92.

[24] Majcen, J., Način za određenje obadviju zakrivljenosti u dvostrukoj točki općene algebarske krivulje, [A mode of determination of both curvatures in a double point of a general algebraic curve], Rad JAZU 57(1914), 93-102.

[25] Majcen, J., Prilozi za centralnu projekciju linearnoga kompleksa i za uporabe u grafičnoj statici, [Contributions to central projection of linear complex and to the application in graphic statics], Rad JAZU 58(1915), 61-88.

[26] Majcen, J., Prostorni sistem od pet silâ, koje su u ravnoteži, [The space system of five forces which are in balance], Rad JAZU 59(1915), 107-118.

[27] Majcen, J., Osni kompleks ništičnoga sustava i sistemi silâ u prostoru, [Axis complex of zero system and system of forces in the space ], Rad JAZU 60(1916), 106-123.

[28] Majcen, J., Prilog za geometrijsko određenje "projektivne srodnosti", [Contribution to the geometric determination of the projective relationship], Rad JAZU 64(1919), 1-6.

[29] Majcen, J., Teoretsko i praktičko značenje deskriptivne geometrije / J. Majcen. //, [Theoretical and practical meaning of descriptive geometry], Ljetopis JAZU za godinu 1919. Sv. 34. 83-103.



