Ivanka Babić (1940 )

[1] Babić, I., Nacrtna geometrija trodimenzionalnog prostora Lobačevskog, [Descriptive geometry of Lobatchevsky's three-dimensional space], magistarska radnja, Zagreb, 1981.

[2] Babić, I., Jedno uvođenje Monge-ove nacrtne geometrije u hiperboličkom prostoru, [An introduction of Monge's descriptive geometry in the hyperbolic space], doktorska disertacija, Beograd, 1989.

[3] Babić, I., Kučinić, B.: M-Modell des hyperbolischen H3 – Raumes in der Möbiusebene, [M-Model of the hyperbolic H3 space in the Möbius plane], Rad HAZU 467(1994), 67-75.

[4] Babić, I., Darstellende Geometrie im hyperbolischen H3 – Raum I Teil, [Descriptive geometry in the hyperbolic H3 – space, Part I], Rad HAZU 470(1995), 167-186.

[5] Babić, I., Darstellende Geometrie im hyperbolischen H3 – Raum II Teil, [Descriptive geometry in the hyperbolic H3 – space, Part II], Rad HAZU 472(1997), 13-26.

[6] Babić, I., Kučinić, B.: Hyperbolische Perspektive I, [Hyperbolic perspective I] KoG 2(1997), 29-34.

[7] Sliepčević, A., Babić, I.: Charakteristische Dreieckpunkte in der projektiv-erweiterten hyperbolischen Ebene, [Characteristic points of the triangle in the hyperbolic plane], TMCS, Institute of Mathematics University of Debrecen, 5/2(2007), 299-315.

[8] Babić, I., Sliepčević, A.: Regelmäßige Polygone in der projektiv-erweiterten hyperbolischen Ebene, [Regular polygons in the projective extended hyperbolic plane], KoG 11(2007), 7-14.



