Possibilities of Energy Savings in Hot-Mix Asphalt Production

Zdravko Cimbola, Zlata Dolaček-Alduk, Sanja Dimter

Last modified: 2017-02-28


The Energy development strategy of Republic of Croatia defines the efficient use of energy and maximum application of cost-effective measures, with the aim of reducing energy consumption. According Strategy, projections indicate that by the year of 2030 the world’s energy consumption will increase by 50% compared to today’s consumption, which implies the need for energy sustainability. Like other industries, the production of hot mix asphalt (HMA) in the asphalt plant requires a considerable amount of energy. HMA production involves significant consumption of thermal energy as well as an adverse effect on the environment. Operating mode of existing asphalt plants in the Republic of Croatia involves substantial energy consumption for drying and warming of chippings in the rotary drum. Combustion of gas, fuel oil or other energy sources, mineral mixture is dried and heated to the required temperature. Increasing of moisture content into the mineral mixture can significant increase required temperature for drying and warming, and thus can increased consumption of energy. Analysis of current situation in the asphalt plants was found that segment of conversion and using energy still do not use technical and technological innovations in the field. Moisture of aggregates and lack of regulated and covered landfills conducted in the minimum inclination, for outflow of drainage water, the problem is almost all asphalt plants in Croatia. The paper analyses the contribution of mineral mixtures dehumidification in reducing energy consumption and the possibility of using exhaust gas energy in the production process of asphalt mixture.


HMA production process; energy efficiency; utilizable energy potential; exhaust gas flow; moisture content of aggregates

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