Vít Janoš, Karel Baudyš

Last modified: 2017-02-28


This paper is focused on Timetable scheduling in railway transport in the Czech Republic. It brings comparison of commercial and periodic timetable, which is used in Czech Republic mostly for long–distance railway lines since 2003. In the Czech Republic an integrated periodic timetable (IPT) scheme was implemented in long–distance railway passenger transport, which is ordered by the Czech Ministry of Transport. A demand driven timetable structure was long typical for the Czech Republic. Trains were operated at times of supposed demand. Thus the 2004/05 timetable brought a huge amount of change, primarily in national long–distance lines now operated in a standardised manner. The network was gradually brought in line with a unified national scheme based on IPT–type 00–symmetry and IPT hubs were created. The way from 'demand' timetable to regular timetable scheme based on the 'Swiss Model of Integraler Taktfahrplan' was in the Czech Republic not easy, and today, the whole system is still continuously developing. In terms of passenger numbers in publicly ordered long–distance traffic the success of the new timetable concept became apparent after two years: Increase in passenger numbers ranged from 10 to 40 per cent for the railway lines realigned according to the IPT scheme, and after four years it amounted to 20–120 per cent as compared with the base year. The enhanced system has offered more train kilometres and connections. Principle of Integrated Periodic Timetable is very easy, but to have efficient supply of train services is necessary to fulfil some requirements for whole transport system. The advantages, problems by implementing and also the result of implementing of this new supply in public transport system in Czech Republic are describe in this article.


timetable, railway transport, periodic timetable, long distance traffic

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